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Why are many skincare products not improving your skin?

Some players in the beauty industry are there solely to make money. They don’t care about improving your skin. No surprise here- as it’s a business and there’s nothing wrong with making money!

Using cheap ingredients ensures a bigger profit. These companies make products that are “good enough” meaning they don’t ruin your skin but don’t improve it either. It’s simply the best way to make more money.

I do feel things are finally changing and have been an advocate for this change since I started my career.

Consumers are way more savvy nowadays. I have friends who can read cosmetic ingredients on labels the same way I do (if not better). By the way if you want to get better at that, 

Companies don’t get away with that anymore.

Going more into details, here’s a list of reasons why many skincare products are not improving your skin.

They don’t contain the right ingredients. Depending on what you’re trying to improve, using the right ingredients is a must. This is NOT your fault. Some unethical companies would write anything to sell. You need to be able to recognize what’s true and what’s not. This is why I always say people should invest time learning about skincare. Doing so will save you time & money.

The ingredients are there but not in the right amount. Sometimes ingredients are added to products for marketing purposes. Their actual amount in the product is so low that they can’t possibly do anything.
The formula is wrong. Sometimes skincare products don’t do anything for your skin because they haven’t been properly formulated. This is why I always tell to only buy from reputable brands and never DIY products. Amateurs think it’s enough to mix together a bunch of ingredients and voilà you have a cream. It doesn’t work that way. Formulating a product is a mix of art and science and requires expertise.
Now assuming all the products you have are of excellent quality and right for your skin, there could be another reason why they’re not working…your lifestyle!

The skin is an organ and, as such, it reflects everything that’s going on in your body. If you don’t eat right, don’t get enough sleep, use drugs or smoke NO PRODUCT WILL EVER WORK.

I know this is not what you want to hear; we are always looking for the outside quick fix, including myself. But most of the time we can dramatically improve with a consistently healthy life style.

कोई टिप्पणी नहीं

Bella Hadid


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