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What Is Vitamin K & Why Do You Need It?.

A class of fat-soluble vitamins known as vitamin K are crucial for healthy blood coagulation and bones. Vitamin K is available in a variety of forms, including vitamin K1 (phylloquinone), which can be found in leafy green vegetables and other plant-based foods, and vitamin K2 (menaquinones), which is created by gut bacteria and is also present in fermented foods like cheese and natto (a type of fermented soybean).

The correct blood clotting is one of vitamin K's key roles in health. Vitamin K aids in the activation of the proteins necessary for blood clotting, which stops bleeding when an injury occurs. For this reason, a vitamin K shortage can result in excessive bleeding and bruising.

Additionally essential for keeping healthy bones is vitamin K. It aids in the activation of the proteins necessary for depositing calcium into the bones, maintaining their strength and health. The risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures has been linked to vitamin K insufficiency.

Additionally, vitamin K may help with cancer prevention, heart health maintenance, and other potential advantages.

Although the majority of people consume adequate vitamin K through their diets, some populations may be at risk for shortage. These include those who use certain medications, such as blood thinners, that can prevent the absorption of vitamin K, as well as those who have malabsorption illnesses, such as Crohn's disease or cystic fibrosis.

Leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, and broccoli as well as other foods like Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and lettuce are examples of foods that are high in vitamin K1. Vitamin K2 is found in fermented foods like cheese, natto, and some varieties of yoghurt.

Speak to your doctor or a certified dietitian if you have questions about your vitamin K consumption. They can give you advice on whether you should adjust your diet or take a supplement.

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Bella Hadid


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