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Seven DIY natural skin care suggestions

Seven DIY natural skin care suggestions

Subjects: Personal Care

Did you know that the ancient Greeks and Romans actually practised using crocodile faeces mixed with mud to their skin because they thought it had anti-aging properties? Additionally, Nightingale facials, also known as Geisha facials in Japan, are still used today in the pursuit of youthful, healthy skin. These facials involve mixing rice bran with water and bird droppings.

By keeping the skin moisturised and hydrated, you can preserve its general health. Natural skin care chemicals help calm inflamed skin while reducing breakouts and skin damage because harsh cleansers can harm the skin's outer layer.

Natural items stand out among the myriad fake goods that have flooded the market as a result of the increased emphasis on healthy ageing and self-image. Homemade face packs have traditionally been well-liked since they are generally safe for sensitive, aged skin. Let's draw on the profound knowledge of our ancestors and experience the enchantment of some of their natural ingredient, do-it-yourself skin care methods.

Apply 1-2 teaspoons of honey on the face and neck on a regular basis to prevent wrinkles because honey is a natural moisturiser.

Besan (Gram Flour) (Gram Flour)

Besan promises you lustrous, radiant skin and almost never disappoints. Combine besan, turmeric, and milk to effectively hydrate dry skin. Additionally, traditionally, besan, water, and turmeric have been combined to remove unwanted hair.


Egg whites and yoghurt used together are the ideal remedy for unclogging skin pores.


This natural moisturiser provides comfort for dry skin, as well as skin that is easily affected by wind damage, sunburns, or both. You can use yoghurt, milk, honey, and honey to gently exfoliate your skin.

When deciding to apply any of these natural components, keep in mind to take into account any allergy disorders you may have with your skin.

Rose Water

Rose has a cooling and calming effect on your skin naturally. Combine 1/2 teaspoon lime juice and 2 teaspoons rose water. Apply this combination with a cotton ball to your face once every other day to naturally cleanse and refresh your skin.


A ripe papaya (which has antioxidant properties) should be blended with some water to form a paste. Apply the mixture to your face and keep it there for skin that is glowing and renewed.


This miracle fruit is fantastic for all skin types. Apply a mixture of ripe banana, honey, lemon juice, and oats to greasy skin. Use a mixture of a ripe banana, honey, or coconut oil if you have dry skin. Apply a pack of ripe bananas, baking soda, and turmeric powder to treat acne.

A ripe papaya (which has antioxidant properties) should be blended with some water to form a paste. Apply the mixture to your face and keep it there for skin that is glowing and renewed.

कोई टिप्पणी नहीं

Bella Hadid


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