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What is so special about human skin?

Our lifestyle is reflected in the bacterial coat of our skin.

On the surface of a 1-cent piece of skin, there are about 2 million bacteria, as many as Paris has inhabitants.

The most diverse microorganisms live together here.

Their diversity keeps the skin healthy.

For the last ten years or so, more research has been done on this and this skin population is now called the microbiome.

If it becomes imbalanced, diseases such as neurodermatitis or acne develop. In the latter case, it is Stafilococcus aureus that gains the upper hand.

This can happen due to environmental influences , but also due to incorrect and exaggerated care.

A good microbiome is like a colorful flower meadow, a bad one like a monoculture.

That's why you can imagine that it's not very good to treat your skin with disinfectants that destroy large parts of your meadow.

Today, one can even analyze the microbiome to see if a neurodermatitis therapy will work.

You find out how the microbiome reacts to it.

There are now even probiotics for the skin, substances that strengthen our bacterial coat.

कोई टिप्पणी नहीं

Bella Hadid


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