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Skin care is the most important part of our day to day hygiene. Skin being the outermost layer of our body , is the largest barrier against any infection we have. This layer acts as a defense system against the environment so taking care of it and keeping it healthy and strong is important.

Skin care routines are different for different skin types. Determining our skin type is the first step towards starting a skin care routine.


First step of a routine is cleaning your face , removing any residual makeup . In particular for removing the makeup off skin use makeup remover gently with the help of damp tissue, wipe or cloth .

Clean your face properly with a mild cleanser . Do not use hot water as it dries the skin.


For oily skin types steaming is really helpful. It removes all the toxins and cleanses your face better and helps in getting rid of blackheads.


Dead skin cells accumulate over time making our face look dull. Using adequate exfoliator helps skin to get rid of dead skin cells and enhance skin absorbing power.

Use a gentle scrub and avoid putting pressure on it as heavy scrubbing can damage the skin.


A face pack help to calm our facial nerves. The application of a face mask or a face pack makes our skin soft and improves skin tone.

If you have acne issue, special anti-acne face masks are recommended.


A toner helps refreshing the skin , sealing the pores and keeping skin hydrated. Using chemical free toners are highly recommended. Cucumber juice is an excellent home made toner that is refreshing in summers and also maintains our skin pH levels.


Applying a moisturiser is the last step of a skin care routine. It helps to keep our face hydrated and act a nourishment for the skin.

As a whole, regular face and skin clean-ups are must as it help our skin to remain fresh , healthy and rejuvenated.

कोई टिप्पणी नहीं

Bella Hadid


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