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5 Supplements for Skin Care That Actually Work

1.Biotin: A B-vitamin proven to support strong, healthy nails, hair, and skin. Due to its ability to strengthen hair and nails as well as enhance the appearance of skin, it is frequently present in skin care supplements.

2.Collagen: The structure of skin, hair, and nails depends on collagen, a protein. It can aid in enhancing skin suppleness and minimising wrinkle visibility.

3.Omega-3 fatty acids: These necessary fatty acids have the ability to boost the general health of the skin and prevent inflammation. They have a reputation for assisting in minimising the appearance of skin disorders including acne.

4.Vitamin C: As an antioxidant, vitamin C works to shield the skin from the harm that free radicals can do. Additionally, it encourages the formation of collagen and brightens the skin.

5.Zinc: Zinc is a mineral that supports the skin's ability to act as a barrier, preventing skin damage and fostering healthy skin. Additionally, it can aid in lessening the severity of skin disorders like acne.

It's crucial to remember that taking supplements calls for the supervision of a doctor or other trained health care provider. Before taking any supplements, it is also advised that you speak with a trained health practitioner if you are pregnant or have any other medical conditions.

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Bella Hadid


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