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How can I maintain clear skin?

Sometimes it’s hard to know what your skin really needs to be as healthy as possible.

But not too hard if u take a good care of your skin

First of all healthy diet is the necessary part of the life

Always wash your face before going to bed

No matter how tired you are, you CAN'T sleep with your makeup on. Believe me , your future pimple-free skin will thank you.

Wash your face every night for 30 to 45 seconds with about an inch of toner. good care of ur skin

And by the way, there's actually a chance that you're washing your face all wrong.

Don't apply a face wash directly on a dry skin

Always wet your skin first and take some amount of face wash play with the lather and then massage gently on your face for a minute at least and then wash it off

Wash off your cleanser ALL

Leftover cleanser equals leftover dirt and oil. Rinse with lukewarm water (hot water dries out skin, while cold water closes pores) until skin feels clean and smooth and is no longer slippery or soapy

Be gentle on your skin

Scrubbing too hard will make your skin rough and red. Don't fight with your face. Refrain from using harsh scrubs and even washcloths, which can put too much strain on your face and cause irritation, which in turn makes you more prone to breakouts. When you do use your hands, make sure they're clean or you'll transfer the acne-causing dirt and oil directly to your face.

Stop touching your face

Resting your chin on your hand in class can be the reason for the pimples on your cheeks or chin. You're constantly touching things that contain germs and bacteria - from your cell phone to your locker - and putting your hands on your face transfers all those germs directly to your skin.

Always do yoga or physical activities and

Shower after exercise or heavy sweating

When sweat and natural oils build up on your skin during exercise and get caught in your gym clothes, bacteria can build up, leading to skin infections and breakouts. To prevent this, shower after exercising or after any heavy sweating.

Exfoliate regularly

The trick is to remove the layers of dead skin cells and dirt that clog your pores - and your skin's natural glow. Products with alpha hydroxy and lactic acids gently exfoliate and leave your skin glowing but remember

Be gentle on your skin

Scrubbing too hard will make your skin rough and red. Don't fight with your face. Refrain from using harsh scrubs and even washcloths, which can put too much strain on your face and cause irritation, which in turn makes you more prone to breakouts. When you do use your hands, make sure they're clean or you'll transfer the acne-causing dirt and oil directly to your face.

Don't skip the moisturizer

If your skin is oily, you might be tempted to skip your morning moisturizer, but drying out your skin can actually make acne worse. It's important to choose the right moisturizer so it doesn't aggravate breakouts or make your skin even oilier

Plenty of sleep

Watching the Stranger Things series until 3 a.m. isn't healthy for you or your skin. Too little sleep can throw your hormone balance out of whack and increase your body's stress levels, which can lead to breakouts. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep to look and feel your best.

Wear sunscreen (even indoors)

Sunscreen isn't just for summer - your skin needs protection every day, even in winter (and even indoors).

6. Get enough sleep

Too little sleep can also cause your skin to break out more often.

Lack of sleep could, in some cases, cause the body to release inflammatory compounds. These substances could cause the skin to break out or acne to worsen.

To stay healthy both internally and externally, get seven to nine hours of good sleep every night.

. Don't prick your skin and do not pop your pimples

It's really really hard not to pick at a pimple. But for the health of your skin, it's important that you restrain yourself.

Poking or pricking a pimple exposes the pore to even more bacteria, including those from your hands. It also increases the risk of infection or scarring.

If you've a pimple that really hurts, you should see a dermatologist

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Bella Hadid


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