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How can I get my skin back and get rid of the wrinkles?

As we age, we will inevitably develop fine lines and wrinkles on our hands, neck, and face.

Fortunately, these fine lines have no effect on our health and are just a superficial way for nature to reveal our true age to the world.

With hundreds of new products hitting the shelves every day, it’s hard not to get lost in the shuffle.
Let’s break it down.

Can you get rid of wrinkles entirely?

The skin naturally produces less collagen as we age resulting in the skin getting thinner and thinner. This will manifest in sagging looking skin and cause fine lines to appear.

Our skin will become more prone to damage as we age and this will occur naturally to everyone due to the fact that this is the way the human body works!

In order to help combat this process there are necessary lifestyle, dietary and skin care choices one has to make early one. Using protective topical products may also help keep complexion intact as the years progress.

1. Preventing wrinkles with lifestyle choices: Number one key to avoid dealing with wrinkles is early prevention. Make sure you’re leading a healthy lifestyle including reducing smoking (if not quitting altogether!), managing stress levels, reducing alcohol intake and eating a balanced diet consisting of lean proteins and limiting sugar intake.

2. Adopting a sun protocol: Ultraviolet rays that penetrate the skin cause damage to the elastic skin fibers resulting in speeding up the process of wrinkles and/or “liver spots”. Make sure to wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen EVERY time you leave the house (lathering you neck and hands as these are the first places on the body to show our true age), wear a hat with a brim and avoid the sun during noon time when the sun’s rays are the strongest.

3. Retinol: While there are a few rock star ingredients that should be part of everyone’s skin care, retinol is the one that stands out above the rest to help us live our best wrinkle free lives. Using a well formulated and stable product with retinol will help combat the appearance of sun damage, brown spots fine lines and wrinkles. While there are many good over the counter products it's important to look at the packaging and ingredients before choosing a retinol product best for you.

4. Supplement your diet with collagen: You can make sure your body makes enough collagen naturally by ensuring your diet is packed with healthy foods. Eating a diet rich in chicken, beef, fish, eggs will help your body produce the amino acids it needs. However, if you’re not sure you can consume enough protein through diet alone, supplementing with a collagen tablet or powder is easy to incorporate in your daily routine.

Important to note: getting rid of wrinkles is a lengthy process and could take a matter of weeks or months before you start seeing results. Protecting your skin and leading a healthy lifestyle so that you won’t worsen your wrinkles or create new ones is the most effective.

Some products and celebrities that endorse certain products will promise you wrinkle free skin in a matter of days if you just buy them. With all the information out there today it’s hard to distinguish the facts from the fiction.

The tried and tested way won’t end up costing you a lot of money and will take time. So be patient, have faith in the process, start early and you’ll have people guessing into your true age in a matter of no time.

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Bella Hadid


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