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What is the reason for a cracked heel?

It often happens that we pay full attention to the face but do not pay attention to the feet, due to which the skin of the feet gets completely damaged and the heels start cracking.

Any kind of natural oil is not present in the heels, so the skin here becomes dry sooner than other parts of the body, sometimes it heals itself, but sometimes this problem takes a serious form. Therefore, it is important to remedy them as soon as possible.

Sometimes walking barefoot or due to dryness of the body in winter, if the feet have been badly torn, or if there are cracks in the ankles, then do this home remedy.

Some home remedies for heel cracks

1. Before sleeping at night, put common salt in warm water (one teaspoon salt or fine powder of raw alum in two glasses of water) and soak the feet for 5 to 10 minutes. After that, clean the feet by rubbing them with a rough towel, removing the dead skin.

Heat 25 grams of desi wax (natural wax of honeycomb) and 50 grams of sesame oil, after mixing well, fill this mixture in a wide main vial. After cleaning the feet with the above method, use this Fill the mixture in torn seeds, the benefit will be seen in 1 week.

2. After cleaning the feet in the above manner, massage castor oil on the cracked skin and seeds for 2-3 minutes before sleeping every day.

Massaging castor oil on any part of the body provides quick benefits from the skin eruptions on any part of the body.

3. Keep massaging the corns coming out of the toes with castor oil for two to three minutes every morning and night, so that the oil gets absorbed in it. become.

4. Massage of olive, castor, almond oil on feet gives more and quicker benefits, after that you can wear socks

5. Melt the beeswax in mustard oil, then add some camphor, then after heating it a little, apply it on your ankles daily, it will be beneficial soon.

6. Mouthwash and Vinegar: Vinegar is acidic in nature. Which removes dryness and cracks from the skin. Mouthwash also contains alcohol and methol which brings out the fungus on the toes. Both of these are helpful in curing the cracked ankles problem to a great extent.

Put a cup of vinegar and a cup of mouthwash in a bucket or a bucket and add three cups of water and soak the feet in it for 15 minutes, then dry and apply moisturizer cream, doing this provides relief in the heels and fingers of the feet.

7. Banana and Avocado Foot Mask - Vitamin E is found in avocado, due to the deficiency of this vitamin, people's heels start cracking. Apart from this, it also contains omega fatty acids and vitamin A, and it also has properties to heal injuries quickly.

Banana works to moisturize the scheme, blend banana and avocado and apply it on the ankles, wash after 10 to 15 minutes with lukewarm water.

8. Before sleeping at night, massage your cracked ankles with warm coconut oil, after that, wear thin socks and go to sleep. Do this process for 10 days, as a result your heels will become soft and soft.

Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

9. Aloe vera gel is very beneficial for the skin. It nourishes the skin. Before sleeping at night, clean your feet, apply aloe vera gel and wear thin socks.

10. The cracks of the heels are also quickly removed with petroleum jelly. Apply a thin layer of jelly on the heels and leave it overnight, this makes the heels soft and smooth.

11. Mixing milk and honey, making a paste can be applied on the ankles.

12. Glycerin and rose water is a great remedy for cracked heels. Both these things make the skin soft by giving moisture. For this, make a mixture by taking three-fourth quantity of rose water, one-fourth quantity of glycerin and after applying it on the ankles for some time, after that clean them with water.

13. Oat and jojoba oil - Oat meal works to rejuvenate the skin and jojoba oil to moisturize. Make a paste by mixing oatmeal and jojoba oil, and apply on cracked heels. After sometime wash again with lukewarm water.

14. Olive oil is also beneficial for cracked heels, with this oil the heels are soft and supple, massage the ankles with light hands, leave it for half an hour.

15. To cure cracked ankles, the treatment of neem leaves also proves to be effective. Make a paste of neem leaves and mix turmeric in it and apply it on the ankles and wash them with water after half an hour.

16. Put lemon juice in a tub of hot water (not too hot) and keep the feet immersed in it for 10 to 15 minutes, then wash and wipe the feet.

Other home remedies and proper care for cracked heels

Extract the juice of fresh fruits and vegetables and put the feet with cracked heels in it for 15 minutes, if there is a burning sensation, do not panic.

Dip the soap in warm water in a tub or bucket and soak your feet. After this, with the help of stone, crush it. Wash thoroughly and use any oil on your feet and then wear socks.

Make a mixture by taking equal quantity of resin and rock salt, mix it with honey and ghee, mix mustard oil in it. Applying it on the ankles provides relief in cracking of the feet.

Grind one part each of jaggery, rock salt, tamarind and ghee, mix double cow urine in it and apply it on torn sows, for cracked ankles, all this is the best treatment.

If your ankles are torn, then take special care of your diet at that time.

If you have cracked heels, then make a habit of drinking more and more water. Make a habit of drinking 2-3 liters of water daily.

If you consume milk, curd, fresh vegetables, meat and other nutrients in your diet, then the problem of cracked feet, cracked heels goes away.

How to take care of feet so that there is no problem of cracked ankles?

Even if you stay at home, you wear slippers on your feet.

After cleaning the feet every day, wear socks, then put on shoes.

After cleaning the feet, keep it in a tub full of hot water for 15 minutes.

Take a stone and rub the cracked heels daily and apply a little moisturizer afterwards.

Take special care of feet even during the rainy season. At that time there is a lot of fear of bacterial infection. Whenever you come from outside, wash your feet thoroughly with soap and wipe them with a towel and do a light massage.

Do not use hot water for bathing.

Never use a razor or blade to remove dead cells from the feet, otherwise foot infection or wounds may occur.

If you wear slippers or shoes of the wrong size, you may have a problem. So choose comfortable shoes of the right size.

People suffering from diabetes get foot infection very quickly. So they should take good care of their feet.

If your cracked heels are not getting better with any home remedy, and they have sores and blood is coming, then you must contact thE doctor 

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Bella Hadid


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