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What are some little-known factors that accelerate skin ageing,?

Every time I bring up this subject in one of the responses I've written, I realise that most readers haven't even heard of it.
Once again, eating sugar will hasten the ageing process of your skin.

This is how: It has been established that when sugar attaches to proteins, AGEs (Advanced Glycation End Products) are produced. AGEs are important causes of skin ageing.

AGEs are not merely free to move about in our body. They are received by certain receptors in us called RAGE. Inflammation and oxidative stress are brought on by these receptors being activated. And regrettably, our dermis has RAGE receptors.

The clearance of old collagen from the skin is impacted by AGEs; in fact, glycated collagen causes a reduced conversion of collagen III fibres to collagen I.

The development of wrinkles and elasticity loss are caused by decreased collagen production.

You can minimise and slow down the physiological glycation process by avoiding sugar. At least not just now, it cannot be completely stopped.

When it comes to AGEs, sugar is not the only active ingredient. The only food that truly lacks nutritional value is sugar, thus I would strongly advise you to substantially cut back on your intake of it.

While AGEs are abundant in grilled meats, toasted bread, and dark-colored soft drinks, glucose and fructose play a crucial role in glycation. Fortunately for us, dietary practises can lower AGE levels in the body. First, dietary monosaccharides (carbohydrates), which cause the glycation phenomena, should be in small amounts.

On that topic, I endorse Dr. Perlmutter's book "Gran Brain." You can learn how fast ageing is caused by carbohydrates if you read the book.

Boiling and steaming are two water-based cooking techniques that result in a logarithmically decreased amount of AGEs. Additionally, it is thought that a number of aromatic plants and foods, including cinnamon, oregano, cloves, ginger, garlic, carnitine, flavonoids, resveratrol, vitamins, zinc, and manganese, can lessen the endogenous formation of AGEs.

Some could respond, "Well, I adore sweets way too much to give them up simply because they might make me wrinkled." In any case, I don't even care about wrinkles! Of course, it would be absurd to expect everyone to suddenly cease consuming ice cream or cake, but that's great by me.

कोई टिप्पणी नहीं

Bella Hadid


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