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"Clean Face Before Makeup"

Before wearing makeup, there are various effective ways to cleanse your face:

Use a mild cleanser: Opt for a cleanser that won't strip your skin of its natural oils and is mild and oil-free. Refrain from using strong cleaners on your skin.

Use lukewarm water: Hot water can dry up your skin by robbing it of its natural oils. Instead, gently wash your skin with lukewarm water.

Pat your skin dry: Use a fresh towel to gently pat your skin dry after cleansing. Rub your skin sparingly because doing so can aggravate it.
Apply a toner to your skin to help balance the pH and assist remove any leftover pollutants. Simply dab a cotton pad with the toner and swipe it over your face, keeping the eye region out of the way.

Apply a lightweight, oil-free moisturiser that won't clog your pores when you moisturise. Your skin will get more hydrated as a result, making it more makeup-ready.

Wait a short while: Before wearing makeup, give your skin time to absorb the ingredients you've used. This will make it more likely that your makeup will apply easily and look its best.












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Bella Hadid


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