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buy mobile online or offline

 Nowadays the times have changed, now no shopkeeper provides service. They also tell you the address of the service center. They only do selling, not service. And the same problem comes in online purchases. You can visit the service center any number of times anywhere. There is no such limitation, just aap ke must have a bill in which IMEI number is written. No service center can refuse you no matter how many times you go within the warranty period.

 So the online option is better. It also has the facility of replacement and refund for 10-15 days, which is not possible in the market. After buying the phone, the shopkeeper does not even tell you, some shopkeepers even say that throw them on the road, we do not mean anything.

 This is my personal experience and till now I have bought 10-12 smart phones online. Till date no problem has come. Neither in service nor in quality nor in customer care.

 Even took the same mobile to the service center four times and got it repaired every time. No issue ever came.

 So whenever you get a good offer, buy it..

 Of course, every person's experience is different, both online and in the market. Who is good and who is bad, it cannot be said with a guarantee by putting any stamp.

 If anyone has offended then I apologize in advance.

 Yes, one more thing, I am not an online company tax agent, nor am I a common citizen like you, a job-professional.Cameras of Android devices of good quality are good, but in iOS, their cameras are much better according to their price. Because the simple principle is that the more jaggery you put, the sweeter it will be. iPhone in iOS which costs one to 1.5 lakh rupees; There are better cameras and sensors than Android whose price is only 50000 maximum. Camera does not work on hardware alone, a good operating system is also needed for the camera.


 The processing system of Android is different from the iPhone, so the quality of the camera of the iPhone is much better.

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Bella Hadid


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