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 Technology has advanced that the spy camera is a small, sleek and clever design that can be disguised as an object. This is a very important issue for women living in hostels, hotel rooms, caravans (in case of an actress) and rented flats/PG accommodation inside changing rooms in shopping malls.

 We have been hearing reports that hidden cameras are used to capture women while bathing and changing clothes. Competitors can record using the live stream feature without having to switch on the camera, as they are capable of detecting motion, and they start recording automatically.

 Live recorded videos are stored in cloud servers, and you cannot destroy the recording by breaking the hidden camera.

A horrific incident that happened in Chennai in 2018; The owner of the working women's hostel had hidden the spy camera in several places, especially 3 cameras inside each bathroom.

 However, you can detect a hidden camera using a bug detector, but it will cost you to buy it from an online store.

 A simple method is available for intelligent camera detection, as women in Chennai hostel found the hidden camera using an Android app.

 Can you identify the hidden camera disguised as the item below?

 smoke detector

 2. Digital Alarm

 3. a bulb

 4. Inside Blue Tooth Speaker

 5. Night Lamp

 6. Spy Camera in a Doll

 The lens cannot be seen if the stuffed toy has a dark or busy pattern.

 7. In socket

 8. Coat Hooks in Your Bathroom or Bedroom

 9. As photo frame

 10. Landline Telephone Socket

 11. Air Purifier Inside Your Bathroom

 11. Air Purifier Inside Your BathroomMost of these camera units come with a remote control and motion detection, thus covert surveillance is entirely possible with this deceptive technology.  With spy cameras available on online portals for less than Rs 2000, it is far more important to identify these hidden cameras and protect your privacy.

 Some general features of hidden camer

 With high resolution, 1920X1080p HD video with audio recording 30 fps and 120-degree view angle makes video recording perfe

 Easy to use - plug and play.  Yes, as said, it's easy.  Simply connect WiFi and plug in handy, when you're done with recording just unplug.  You can live stream anywhere from your mobile or lapto

 Technology - It comes with loop recording and upgraded motion detection technology.  Loop recording allows you not to worry about SD card storage space, it automatically clears old records to continue recording and upgraded motion detection mode helps to use SD card space efficiently  when you change the recording mode from regular recording to motion detection it won't record continuously unless there is some movement in the covered areap.ctas

How to protect yourself from hidden cameras? ,

 Apps for Hidden Camera Detector app are available in google play store search. Apps can detect cameras near you and detect hidden cameras through your mobile phone.

 Women living in unfamiliar places like hotel rooms, guest rooms, under the shower, even your private rooms, public toilets etc. can use the app.

 How does the app work

 All you need to do is move your phone to your surroundings to detect hidden camera and find any unusual magnetic activity, which can be a hidden camera, spy camera, secret camera or a hidden device.

 If the mobile spy comes in contact with the camera it should give a beep sound and a red light alert.

 First test the app using another camera mobile phone or camera. Your Android phone's app should detect when it comes into contact with another mobile's camera.


Today, as the technological development is taking place, according to our needs, you have been changing many things, an example of this is the fridge. Used to be or more than that but at that time this required capacity was fine. is the mother of the right.

 Later came the double door fridge or which you can also call frost free, in this cooling is done through a fan, it starts from 200 liters to 400 liters, after that bigger fridges came in the market which came from 400 liters to 900 liters. There were up to liters which were like a wardrobe in appearance, which is also called side by side fridge or side by side fridge in technical language, talking about its price, a normal fridge starts from 40000, the purpose of coming frost was to increase the storage capacity with it. This proved to be the best in those houses whose kitchens were big, you used to provide a stylish look to the house.

If we talk about which of these is better fridge side by side or double door, you have to understand its difference, let's know -

 If the side fridge -

 > Capacity - Its capacity can be from 450 liters to 900 liters while double doors can be found starting from 200 liters to 400 liters.

 > Doors - There are two doors in the fridge side by side, one side has the freezer and the other is the refrigerator compartment, the same double door fridge also has two doors, the upper part is the freezer, the lower part is the refrigerator compartment.

 > Repair cost - Side by side is more of gas charging because the cost is high whereas in double door refrigerator the cooling does not come down due to the accumulation of ice. Nowadays, the gas in the fridge can catch fire if the refrigerator is protected by safety. Do not workSide by side fridge is easy to understand and take care of the same double door as there is not much feature like digital temperature set side by side.

 > Compressors are expensive whereas double doors are chea

 >Prices start from Rs.35000 side-by-side while double door normally starts from Rs.18000 onward

 > These side-by-side fridges look stylish while double doors are less than thi

 > Large houses or kitchens take up more fridge space side by side, there are more in rich houses because they bring together food items from goods and keep fridge items side by side while double doors take less space and move to small kitchens.  Middle class people keep them, they store less from side to sid

 > Gas charging for side-by-side fridge can be up to Rs.5000 or above depending on the capacity litre while gas charging for double door can be Rs.1500 to Rs.3000.e.s.s.p.

 > Only the person of the company can fix it because the PCB would have been installed while the local person can also fix it.You have to call the company person if there is a problem in the adjacent fridge, while it can also be done locally.

 > Side by side fridges are not available in big showroom goods in small electronics shops, the price is high while double doors are found everywhere.

 In this, you must have understood that who is better in the next side fridge, I want to say one thing if your budget is good and you want more storage, the next side is fine, you can take a double door fridge with less storage or less budget.


Interesting facts about human behaviour 

1. Stability

Our brains love stability. Uncertainty poses a threat: as it increases, amygdala activity (threat response) is activated and ventral striatum activity (reward response) decreases. For the brain, it is an uncomfortable condition.

2. Cognitive closure.

The search for certainty can lead us to become intransigent, to take a position and hold it even if evidence comes along that refutes our beliefs. Psychologists call this "cognitive closure": but according to a study by a team of German and Italian psychologists, individuals who are less susceptible to the need for cognitive closure do better at solving problems than their counterparts.

3. Patterns

The mind loves recurring patterns (for example the summer pattern of sea, heat, vacation). And when a pattern is missing an element, we tend to put it there, as often happens in optical illusions.

4. Control or illusion?

We also have a tendency to believe that we have control over a whole range of things that we actually miss, such as the coming up of favorable numbers at the casino or lottery, to the point of believing that we have an effective strategy that will make us win. For psychologists, this is nothing but an illusion of control.

5. Occasions

The brain evolved by making decisions in the real world, trying to predict immediate threats and rewards. Result: we have a hard time seeing ourselves projected into the future. When this aspect is added to the desire for immediate reward, it is not always a good thing: we can fall into the traps of salespeople who offer us opportunities "to grab."

6. Head in the clouds

Mind-wandering, or spending waking hours with our heads in the clouds, would affect 30 to 50 percent of us, according to science. But the brain is also capable of assimilating information in automatic mode, and even problem-solving. This is an important adaptive function (but one that should not be indulged too much).

7. Identities

We have secondary identities available to us, distinct from the one that occupies most of our waking hours. This explains, for example, the success of simulation games (online and offline).

8. Surrogates

Some research conducted by the University of Buffalo in the U.S. analyzed the hypothesis that we often use technologies (TV, Internet, etc.) to experience a feeling of belonging that real life cannot always fulfill. A kind of "digital vaccine." From the results of an experiment, the Buffalo scholars realized that a TV program we like can even function as a protection from the collapse of self-esteem and feelings of abandonment that follows the end of a relationship.

9. Emotional needs

According to psychologist John Cacioppo, loneliness does not depend on the number of people around us, but on our inability to get from others what we need emotionally. That is why we resort to virtual characters for the fulfillment of our needs. And the more we rely on them, the more our brain considers them "relevant," even though they are not real (or we do not have relationships with them in reality). "We are need-driven animals and look for the path of least resistance to get what we need," DiSalvo writes, "in whatever form it takes, and immersion in the digital dimension provides us with the smoothest path that (drugs aside) has ever been invented."

10. Those who despise.

A study published in 2012 in the journal Psychological Science showed that if we have difficulties getting something, we will begin to feel negative emotions toward it. Which does not mean rejection: rather we will try to get the desired thing (or person) even if we no longer care about it. According to DiSalvo, "It is an experience we are all familiar with: if we desire something but cannot get it, then we want it."

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Bella Hadid


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